Wednesday 10 August 2016

Top Five Leadership Lessons from Chanakya’s Arthashastra

Chanakya was a philosopher and economist, who was also the chief advisor to both emperors of India – Chandragupta and his son Bindusara. He was famous for his political and economical thoughts.
The management gurus have been recommending the book ‘Arthashastra’ one of the finest works of Chanakya, who was also known as Kautilya and Vishnu Gupta. His teachings are applicable to modern management principles.

In my previous post, I mentioned about the leadership qualities according to Sun Tzu, you can read the post. I decided to feature the thoughts of Chanakya in regard to leadership, which motivated me to write this post.

Friday 5 August 2016

Life Coach Tips: Focus on Your Health

Being healthy is most important thing in your life. The could be clear connection between health and happiness. Most of the people do find connection between these two. A healthy man will be a happy man and a happy man will be healthier, that is obvious. 

In the busy world, we are missing a core aspect of our life i.e, being healthy.  No matter what you do or who you are, but you need to get sometime for yourself to keep you feet. In long-run you need good health to continue your struggle for life. And, if you are not healthy then the life will become a burden for you. 

In the morning time you come across many people walking, jugging or doing exercise to keep fit themselves. I am sure that they got the motivation from some person or inspiration from some sources. 

You need to take care of your health to complete the tasks and a healthy mind is the best way to achieve many milestones and success. You can check with your friends on the health activities they have been following for inspiration. 

Discuss  with them so that they could inspire you to follow their suit. Life is beautiful and being healthy you can enjoy every bit of the life. Just think the opposite side, if your having health aliments and you are not enjoying the life. You will be in uncomfortable situation where you can't lead the life as you wanted to be. 

If you are not happy with the health you have or not getting the true inspiration or motivation do not hesitate to discuss with a life coach, who will guide you and help you to understand the importance of the health. 

Not only that life coach will motivate you and inspire you through his or her experience. So, try to get motivated to have good health and lead a positive life. 

Thanks for reading, I would appreciate your comments on this post. Happy Readings!!

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Sun Tzu’s Five Qualities of a Successful Leaders

Leadership is one of the core aspects of the modern business strategies. No matter if you are an owner of a small business or  yourself a business magnet, you should possess some good leadership qualities in order to make your venture into success.
 Read the article on qualities of successful leader on the blog:

Thursday 21 July 2016

Top Five Happiness Tips

It is most important thing in life is to be happy and live happily. Most of us wonder, why there is so much worries, tensions and grief around us. And, most of us do also feel unhappy from inside. There would be multiple answer to such questions and we are not sure which one is the perfect one. 

Many people try to get the exact answer for their questions related to happiness in life. But, most of them end with no proper conclusion for sure. Living a life is does not matter, what matters is how we live it. 

There are many people those are appear to be living health and happy life, and certainly they are. But, when you try to get the secret beyond it, you fail to get it, why? 

Hope this post would be give some tips to be happy. Here are the five tips to be happy: 

1) Count Your Blessings: All of us have problems, and we should not think about those time and again. By thinking those, these problems would be get solve by their own. In stead, focus on the things you have. Count your blessings forget the problems. See, you will start leading a new life. See the abundance around you, feel that you are fortunate to be there, there are lot of happiness around you. 

2) Smile: Most of us look for reasons to smile. Adopt smiling in your life and see how it will change you life. No matter on what position or situation you are in. A smile is always work like a bless for you. Make a habit to smile everyday and every moment you live. Your smile will inspire others and motivate them as well. 

3) Live in Present: We must live in present leaving all the tensions related to future or past. Simply, forget the past and stop thinking about the future, just focus on the present situation. Most of the people would be worrying about their future and that is obvious. Living in present could be the best thing you can practice and live happily. 

4) Lead a Healthy Life: Start living leading a health lifestyle and see how it will transform your life. In order to lead a healthy life, you can being with small alterations in you daily schedule so that you won't miss you work out everyday. If you busy, prepare a chart to find out the time where you can focus on your health activities to keep yourself fit and fine. 

5) Do Meditation: It is essential for internal peace. Meditation will help you to develop concentration and inner peace. By practicing it you can lead a very good life, it will work wonders and you can experience the divine power. Your focus will increase and ultimately you can have happiness without spending all your energy on small issues those used to annoy you. 

There are several other ways to be happy. But, it is you, who needs to understand the concept of happiness. Learn to leave a happy life and get life coach tips from varied resources available around you. 


Thursday 7 July 2016

Expectation Management at its simple but Best!

It was 21 August 2001, and I was being interviewed for a job after being screened with a written test and this was my 200th interview in last 60 days…

Read the complete post on the Life Coach Blog.