Thursday 29 March 2018

Believe in Yourself: Your Personal Life Coach

The first lesson in life is to believe in you, I would suggest everyone to follow the same mantra. Being a personal life coach, I meet many people and listen to their problems. I noticed that most of the people because of lacking the trust and confidence in them. Face the challenges and problems in your life; try to find out the most appropriate solutions from your teacher or friends. 

Almost all the successful people in the world have again and again said the same thing. “If You Think You Can You Can.” Believing in oneself that you are capable of fulfilling your goals and dreams is something that doesn’t come easily to everyone. It is only this one belief that is making someone into a leader and the rest followers.

I would like to give a very common example, in India it is quiet common that we see some people performing circus feats on the road as a means of earning livelihood. Sometimes in these shows, we see small children that too girls performing feats, small girl hardly five years, climbing on the rope, balancing the stick and walking without fear. 

We have children in our homes, but we can hardly imagine our children doing so. We take 101 precautions when it comes to our children, what is the difference between that child and this child, absolutely nothing God has blessed every child with same brain and physical capabilities. It is because of the belief that is installed in the child, by her parents or guide made her capable of performing at that level. 

Yes, if this is true in case of a child, how much more true it holds to elders with all the knowledge of the world, this is what differentiates the leaders from the followers, the same belief system. It is always very important to keep in mind one thing that God in his mercy has blessed all humans with the same brains those who have made use of it shine and the rest, rest.
Life is not easy, so you need to accept as it is and believe that you can do whatever you want to. This is the first thing required to achieve your goals in life. 

Believe that successful people don’t dropout from somewhere they live with us like us but they dream and dare to realize those dreams. Because they know that “They can.”

So, “Think You Can and You Can.”

Monday 26 March 2018

Top 10 Tips to do Great in Life

Life is great and we should live it to the fullest doing great things. Being a personal life coach, I came across many clients and their bad experiences, here I tried to define how you could lead a good life.

Contemplate on thoughts and choices: Thought process has no end and we have so many thoughts through-out the day. Every time we have a thought it is not possible for us to check them and to correct them, instead we can put our efforts to think positive and to make positive choices in life. Positive choices are the ones that help us to become better and help us keep our calm and do well to ourselves and others as well.

Look for sources of motivation: Each person gets inspired by different thing, for someone it’s money, for someone it may be a person, memories, name or fame. It differs from person to person. So you need to find out what is it that drives you towards success and achievement. Every day make sure that you are connected with your motivational factor. The more you are connected with your M-factor, the better you will perform. 

Do what you have to, to get what you want: The common mistake that most people make is, they do ordinary things and expect extraordinary results from life. This is a very common behavior. So if you expect great from life then you need to think great and do great. When you are doing the job of a sales person and you dream of becoming CEO, it’s actually great. But you need to work for it and need to develop the mindset like that of a CEO and you need to increase your capabilities to that level. 

Master Time: When you have control over the time you are spending, you have control over activities and when you have control over your activities then you have control over your life. So mastering time is a key factor that determines the life of a person. One should know where to spend time and to what extent and if someone knows this then he is sure to handle his life the better way.

Attitude and situations in life: Always let your attitude determine the life’s situations and never allow the situation to take charge of your attitude. Hardly there will be times in someone’s life, when he feels happy about the situation and when everything is in his favor. So instead if we correct our attitude towards the situations we will be able to lead a peaceful life.

“A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life”
Charles Darwin

Watch out your company: There is a saying that goes like this “show me your friends and I will tell you who you are”. This is not just a saying but golden words from someone who has studied life. Always try to keep the company of those people who are more experienced than you in work and life. People who are successful, motivational; who lead life like leaders by helping others and adding value to their life. When you keep the company of such people you have their influence on you and you start to learn from them life’s important lessons.

Never give up: If we compare the lives of people who are successful in their life and are leading an exemplary life with the lives of those who are experiencing failure, there is only one single difference and that is successful people pursue their dreams till they become reality. And people who are experiencing failure in either personal or professional life are those who gave up working for their dreams. Reasons may be any but the end result is same those who work till their dreams become true become successful. So you should never give up as whatever the situation may be and shouldn’t stop until you achieve your dream. 

Vision: People who are successful are those who have dreams and vision in life. If we lead life without any motive or purpose then life becomes meaningless. A person with vision is the one who has control over his future as he knows how he wants his future to be and goes in that direction. Vision gives motivation and it helps us becoming better every day to lead life with purpose.

Have faith in yourself: Faith is everything in life whether it is towards God or any other person or ultimately yourself. It is faith that leads people. There is a saying that goes like this “what others say about you is their opinion about you not your worth”. So having faith that there is a purpose in your life and you have all the capabilities to accomplish it is the core aspect.

As every day progresses improve:  Some great person has said that if you lead the life the same way as you did yesterday without any improvement or progress in any sphere that is no life. With every passing second and with every passing day, just think what values you’ve added to your life and to the life of those around you. Try to improvise yourself by improving your capabilities in every possible area, because life is meant to improve and to progress. 

“Live each day like it’s your last” – Steve Jobs

Wednesday 10 August 2016

Top Five Leadership Lessons from Chanakya’s Arthashastra

Chanakya was a philosopher and economist, who was also the chief advisor to both emperors of India – Chandragupta and his son Bindusara. He was famous for his political and economical thoughts.
The management gurus have been recommending the book ‘Arthashastra’ one of the finest works of Chanakya, who was also known as Kautilya and Vishnu Gupta. His teachings are applicable to modern management principles.

In my previous post, I mentioned about the leadership qualities according to Sun Tzu, you can read the post. I decided to feature the thoughts of Chanakya in regard to leadership, which motivated me to write this post.

Friday 5 August 2016

Life Coach Tips: Focus on Your Health

Being healthy is most important thing in your life. The could be clear connection between health and happiness. Most of the people do find connection between these two. A healthy man will be a happy man and a happy man will be healthier, that is obvious. 

In the busy world, we are missing a core aspect of our life i.e, being healthy.  No matter what you do or who you are, but you need to get sometime for yourself to keep you feet. In long-run you need good health to continue your struggle for life. And, if you are not healthy then the life will become a burden for you. 

In the morning time you come across many people walking, jugging or doing exercise to keep fit themselves. I am sure that they got the motivation from some person or inspiration from some sources. 

You need to take care of your health to complete the tasks and a healthy mind is the best way to achieve many milestones and success. You can check with your friends on the health activities they have been following for inspiration. 

Discuss  with them so that they could inspire you to follow their suit. Life is beautiful and being healthy you can enjoy every bit of the life. Just think the opposite side, if your having health aliments and you are not enjoying the life. You will be in uncomfortable situation where you can't lead the life as you wanted to be. 

If you are not happy with the health you have or not getting the true inspiration or motivation do not hesitate to discuss with a life coach, who will guide you and help you to understand the importance of the health. 

Not only that life coach will motivate you and inspire you through his or her experience. So, try to get motivated to have good health and lead a positive life. 

Thanks for reading, I would appreciate your comments on this post. Happy Readings!!

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Sun Tzu’s Five Qualities of a Successful Leaders

Leadership is one of the core aspects of the modern business strategies. No matter if you are an owner of a small business or  yourself a business magnet, you should possess some good leadership qualities in order to make your venture into success.
 Read the article on qualities of successful leader on the blog: